Scheduling and Cost

We will meet on Tuesday afternoons from 12:30-2:00 at Sacred Heart church in Pine Creek, WI. The co-op is geared towards children in preschool through 5th grade, but older siblings are welcome to attend.

Fall semester: 9/5 through 12/5
  (13 weeks - no co-op 11/21)

Spring semester: 2/6 through 4/30 
(11 weeks - no co-op 3/26 or 4/1).


No co-op Dec. 6th through Feb. 5th

The per-family fee is $25/semester.

Unit Studies Model

We will study a topic for three weeks and take a related field trip on the fourth week.

Unit 1 - Sept: Seasons and Weather with a field trip to Ferguson's Apple Orchard
Unit 2 - Oct: Farms with a field trip to a dairy farm
All Saints Day party on October 31st
Unit 3 - Nov/Dec: Christmas caroling and traditions with a Christmas concert at a nursing home
Unit 4 - Feb: the Middle Ages with a field trip to Castlerock Museum 
Unit 5 - March: Infinity Chiropractic in Winona (3/20)
Unit 6 - April: Nature studies with a hike (hiking rain date in May)

Group Time with Mrs. Weissing

We are excited to welcome Mrs. Emily Weissing who will be taking over our group time at the beginning of each co-op meeting. During this time, she will cover music, poetry, art, and virtues/manners. She has many years of teaching experience and will be a wonderful addition to our program.

If you’d like to register, please fill out the form below with the names and ages of the children participating by August 25th. And feel free to share with anyone you think might be interested in joining us!

If you do not get confirmation of your registration, please email registration information to


Register Now

Example: Sarah, age 6
Payment is $25 per family per semester
Please sign up for at least two volunteer slots throughout the semester: Volunteer Sign-up Here

For setup/cleanup, you will prepare the nursery and classroom before class and help clean them up after co-op. You will also be responsible for checking bathrooms to make sure they are clean and turning off the lights in the building before leaving. Classroom assistants will help with projects, crafts, and classroom management during lessons. Please arrive 10 minutes early on the weeks you volunteer.


Online Payment Options

The per-family fee is $25 per semester. You can pay online via Venmo or pay on the first day of class.

Pay Online via Venmo
Volunteer Sign Up

Volunteer Sign Up

Please sign up for at least two volunteer slots throughout the semester.

For setup/cleanup, you will prepare the nursery and classroom before class and help clean them up after co-op. You will also be responsible for checking bathrooms to make sure they are clean and turning off the lights in the building before leaving. Classroom assistants will help with projects, crafts, and classroom management during lessons. Please arrive 10 minutes early on the weeks you volunteer.

Choose Volunteer Dates