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Our aim is to connect and encourage Catholics across the Coulee Region in order to strengthen our local faith community.

Ite, Missa Est

Ite, Missa Est is the very phrase that the word “Mass” itself comes from. These are the Latin words for the concluding words spoken at Mass, literally “Go, it [He] is sent,” in English, though we hear, “Go, the Mass has ended.”  The Eucharist is the heartbeat of unity, and in this dismissal, the Catholic is called to go out and be the salt and the light of the Earth, to go forth, carrying the light of Christ.


Find out what other local homeschoolers are using for curriculums and reach out to a fellow homeschooler in the area.

NFP Peer Support

Help finding or changing a method, improving effectiveness, navigating irregular cycles, and general NFP questions.

Reasonable Discourse

Discuss a variety of topics with people of different backgrounds, meant to encourage fruitful dialogue and expand perspectives.