Safe Environment Information

Safe Environment


If you have children in K or above:

  • Attend in-person training or present material from the “Children” tab below, then complete the top this form, or complete the declination portion on the bottom if you prefer to opt-out. (Once for each child).

Please attend the in-person training at St. Patrick’s with one of our catechists or present the following material to your child at home, and then sign this form. If you prefer to opt out of child training, please fill out the bottom of the form for each child.

Recommended Before Presenting: The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality

Primary Grades K-2 – PDF Lesson Plan

  • K Grade – PowerPoint – Revised  – October 2021
  • 1st Grade – PowerPoint – Revised  – October 2021
  • 2nd Grade  PowerPoint – Revised  – October 2021

Intermediate Grades 3-5  PDF Lesson Plan

  • 3rd Grade – PowerPoint – Revised  – October 2021
  • 4th Grade – PowerPoint – Revised  – October 2021
  • 5th Grade – PowerPoint – Revised  – October 2021